Sunday, May 9, 2010

Inside A DSL Filter

Do you have ADSL high speed internet? have you ever wondered whats inside those filter things that hook between your phone and the wall jack? well this video will show you. I wasnt sure if AT&T wanted these back so i was careful while opening this one up it just has 4 snaps that you undo, i used a pocket knife and gently undid the snaps. this filter here is no good b/c my internet went out friday and i was bummed, no youtube and saturday i fixed it by putting on a spare filter that i had lying around and its great to have my internet back. and if AT&T sees this video please dont hate me for this i dont know if you want this filter back or not, if not then im prob gonna use it for one of my hacking projects and if any of the parts are still good ill use them. well I hope you enjoy this vid and please leave any questions in the comments thanks for watching

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