Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Installing new Cisco network switches - High Speed DSL ethernet network wiring

If you have been following my technical videos, you know that we are upgrading our computers as well as the network infracstructure equipment.
Right now the installed network equipment has 10/100 Mb throughput, but with close to 400 computers & printers on the network, that bandwidth is not going to cut it, we need gigabit speed...so we ordered lots of Cisco giga switches and adding additional high speed network cabling.

In this video, we have unpacked some of the Cisco equipment and we are getting it ready for installation. It's going to be lots of hours of work, and the classes will be starting soon.

The server room is presently having additional air conditioning being installed to handle the new additional equipment as well as additional electrical upgrades to handle the current power loads.
We are also replacing the multiple unmanaged wireless access points with managed WAP wich will improve our wireless coverage from the basement to the 6th floor.
Please continue to follow our project as I continue to record the process of updating our network.

You have already seen the videos, where we re-imaged the new Dell and Macintosh computers. Yes, we also run Linux, as you see on one of the server's monitors.

The total cost of this project is over $500,000 , ouch!! No pain, no gain, I think this will greatly improve our network capacity.
We had to make this upgrade as we had more than outgrown the old infracstructure and needed to expand the capacity to allow for capacity of internet & new technologies including video and sound.

to see how to do netboot system images over the network check the apple manuals:
System Imaging and Software Update Administration
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